• mjmjhhhh publicou uma atualização 4 anos, 6 meses atrás

    Mission Statement
    3Cinno Lighting was founded with a revolutionary objective which devoted to build impressive brand experiences to customers.: to be an integrated supplier of creative, inspirational and customizable LED lighting products for lighting production companies in all brand markets(Casino, Hotel, Mall, etc.). We highlight customization in our integration service, sharing the same goal as yours: to make lighting special.
    To make lighting an impressive part of a show,or simply to make a special lighting show,is no easy task for every lighting production company who claims to deliver exceptional visual experience.Why is that?Lighting source you can draw inspiration from is either too hard to find or too stubborn to be changed.Then how can you really get the special elements when everybody around you says the same thing but does nothing?
    We started 3Cinno Lighting Department to offer you a solution.
    We not only develop creative,versatile and mostly DMX-based lighting products;more importantly,we offer custom solutions.
    We believe that even a small change on the original product can make a difference.We also believe that a good lighting product not only has the high standard quality,it must be the one that inspires people most.
    Customization lets you make a change,helps you accommodate a change,and even offers you an opportunity to lead change in brand LED lighting industry.
    We intend to engage you in this special service,take the inspiration further and help you win the credit you deserve.
    Other than custom solution to products,integration service is also tailored made to serve you in the best way.Every customer has a uniqueness.We notice it,respect it,and treat it with customized service package but on the same principle:Never let you miss a thing.
    Integration Service Features
    Revolutionary Integration
    A decade of experience serving in brand LED industry lets us know one important fact:LED display and lighting are closely connected,especially when it comes to application.You will find inspirational and customizable lighting items in 3Cinno Lighting Department;conveniently, 3Cinno Display Department will supply you with the same quality LED display products.Our two LED divisions work together to serve you in high professional standard.
    Customization is a creative way to make your lighting special.
    If you are done compromising with imperfection of a product;
    If you are passionate about making your lighting design like no other;
    If you are proud of your creativity and hoping to lead new lighting change and take the inspiration further;
    We are here to be your dream factory. A factory that does both production and promotion. You will get the credit you deserve for opening a whole new market by your innovative ideas.
    Quality Inspection
    One of our methods to develop new products is to source from the manufacturers we know and partners we trust, because we always keep eyes open to new elements as you do. You will consider to let us run the errands and do quality inspection. It is not only because we know the manufacturing facts here in this market like the back of our hand, more importantly, it is also because the partnership between us is based on TRUST.
    VIP Service
    You deserve our white-glove treatment. Whatever the scope of your project could be, there is seamless support for you before, during and after a sale. Even if something goes wrong, it won’t last long.
    Whole Package to go
    What you get from us will be a solution package. Wherever you use the kit, we make things sure to let you use it smoothly.
    There is no such thing as TIME, never was and never will be. We are time-conscious people. Service for you will be prompt, neat and never miss a thing.
    Core Value
    We do not fear to be who we are, because we are courageous to start a change and take a path less traveled.
    We do not hesitate to do what we believe is great, because we are confident to take customization further and make a difference.
    We do not wonder if it is the perfect time to start, because we are concentrated to create an innovative integration service that will win your applause.
    As an integrated group, 3Cinno is growing to be your trustworthy partner.LED Linear Lights


Especialista em Liderança Executiva

Diretora Executiva Supra Alimentos, Palestrante, Master Trainer empresarial, formada em Teologia, Direito, MBA  em Gestão de Vendas pela FGV, Especialização em Liderança e Negócios  pela Harvard Business School – EUA, Liderança e Coaching pelo College Business da Universidade de Ohio – EUA, MBA em Desenvolvimento Humano, Especialista em inteligência emocional, Hipnoterapeuta e Master em Programação Neurolinguística.


Kennya Fernandes, atua ativamente, há 3 décadas de experiência na área da  Educação, na formação e orientação de milhares de alunos, pais e professores, na escola pública do DF.

Idealizadora do Instituto INVESTSER.

Ministrou aulas , analisou e supervisionou dezenas de futuros psicanalistas em cursos de Psicanálise Clínica.

Hoje atua como Psicanalista Clínica , Orientadora Educacional.  Mentora Executiva para terapeutas, Orientadores Educacionais e Pais de adolescentes.

Hipnoterapeuta, palestrante, Reprogramadora Mental.

Realizou diversas palestras na escolas públicas e particulares do DF e entorno.

Master em Hipnose e

Master em  PNL  ambos pelo instituto Inner.



Especialista em Neurociência Comportamental e Cognitiva com ênfase em PNL

Especialista em Psicanálise e Saúde Mental

Palestrante Educacional



Mentor e Educador Executivo. Master em PNL. Piloto militar e da aviação civil. Mestre em Educação; especialista em Mindset Ágil e Growth Hacking; Especialista em Gestão de segurança operacional e em Psicologia Positiva e Desenvolvimento do potencial Humano. Professional Scrum Master, Líder Ágil e gerente de projetos. Professor nos cursos de Administração, Gestão de Pessoas e Aviação Civil. Facilitador em treinamentos com foco em Alta performance, liderança, mentalidade ágil, comunicação e gestão do tempo


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