• lightits publicou uma atualização 3 anos, 6 meses atrás

    Road Bike Vs. Mountain Bike

    Breakthroughs in technology have made them much more efficient and comfortable while simultaneously making them much more affordable when it comes to cost to benefit ratios. This makes it a great time to buy a cycle!

    The dilemma most people face when purchasing a bike is the type of bike to buy. Avid cyclists generally have a different bike for each different style of cycling that they will be doing, but hobbyists and recreationists can’t really afford to do that.

    If you can only get one bike, what should it be?

    Unfortunately, there isn’t a right answer to that question.

    Everyone is different, and so are their needs. Most casual cyclists will want to purchase bike, but once you have the options narrowed down this far, it’s a matter of purpose and preference.

    In this article, we can help you determine whether a road bike or a mountain bike is the better choice for your needs. We will take a look at some of the factors and circumstances that can help you to determine which choice would be more prudent.

    By the end, you will be familiar with the questions to ask yourself before purchasing a bike and the type of things you can do with each bike.

    Before you can compare the 2 different types of bikes, you need to be aware of your own cycling style. After all, knowing what you intend to use your bike for is one of the most important pieces of information to help you make your choice.

    First, you should ask yourself how you will be using the bike.

    Are you hoping to get some exercise without the shock to your joints that running provides?

    Do you want to cruise and explore some of the trails nearby, or take it through some mountains?

    Are you trying to cut down on time in traffic, so you want to use a bike to get around the city and replace your car for short-distance commuting? Do you hope to do more than one of these things with your bike?

    Knowing your primary use will point you in the right direction. If you plan to stick to roads, then you may not need a mountain bike. Road bikes are great commuter bikes that can go pretty quickly and cover a lot of ground.


Especialista em Liderança Executiva

Diretora Executiva Supra Alimentos, Palestrante, Master Trainer empresarial, formada em Teologia, Direito, MBA  em Gestão de Vendas pela FGV, Especialização em Liderança e Negócios  pela Harvard Business School – EUA, Liderança e Coaching pelo College Business da Universidade de Ohio – EUA, MBA em Desenvolvimento Humano, Especialista em inteligência emocional, Hipnoterapeuta e Master em Programação Neurolinguística.


Kennya Fernandes, atua ativamente, há 3 décadas de experiência na área da  Educação, na formação e orientação de milhares de alunos, pais e professores, na escola pública do DF.

Idealizadora do Instituto INVESTSER.

Ministrou aulas , analisou e supervisionou dezenas de futuros psicanalistas em cursos de Psicanálise Clínica.

Hoje atua como Psicanalista Clínica , Orientadora Educacional.  Mentora Executiva para terapeutas, Orientadores Educacionais e Pais de adolescentes.

Hipnoterapeuta, palestrante, Reprogramadora Mental.

Realizou diversas palestras na escolas públicas e particulares do DF e entorno.

Master em Hipnose e

Master em  PNL  ambos pelo instituto Inner.



Especialista em Neurociência Comportamental e Cognitiva com ênfase em PNL

Especialista em Psicanálise e Saúde Mental

Palestrante Educacional



Mentor e Educador Executivo. Master em PNL. Piloto militar e da aviação civil. Mestre em Educação; especialista em Mindset Ágil e Growth Hacking; Especialista em Gestão de segurança operacional e em Psicologia Positiva e Desenvolvimento do potencial Humano. Professional Scrum Master, Líder Ágil e gerente de projetos. Professor nos cursos de Administração, Gestão de Pessoas e Aviação Civil. Facilitador em treinamentos com foco em Alta performance, liderança, mentalidade ágil, comunicação e gestão do tempo


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