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    IPL technology has also been used to treat pulsed dye laser-resistant PWS. In the study by Bjerring and associates seven of 15 patients achieved over 50% lesional lightening after four IPL treatments. Most of these patients had lesions involving the V2 dermatome (medial cheek and nose), which are relatively more difficult to lighten. Six of seven of these patients showed over 75% clearance of their PWS. A 550–950-nm filter was used with 8–30-msec pulse durations and fluences of 13–22 J/cm2 to achieve tissue purpura. The 530–750-nm filter can also be used with double 2.5-msec pulses, with a 10-msec delay and fluence of 8–10 J/cm2. Epidermal cooling was not required. Treatment resulted in immediate erythema and edema, and occasional crusting. Hypopigmentation was observed in three patients, hyperpigmentation in one patient, and epidermal atrophy in one patient.

    The basics of body fat

    Let’s start with the basics. Not all fat is created equal. We have two distinct types of fat in our bodies: subcutaneous fat (the kind that may roll over the waistband of your pants) and visceral fat (the stuff that lines your organs and is associated with diabetes and heart disease).

    From here on out, when we refer to fat, we are talking about subcutaneous fat, as this is the type of fat that cryolipolysis targets. A recent study showed that the body’s ability to remove subcutaneous fat decreases with age, which means we are fighting an uphill battle with each birthday we celebrate.

    From popsicles to freezing fat

    Cryolipolysis machine — which literally translates into cold (cryo) fat (lipo) destruction (lysis) — was invented, in part, by observing what can happen when kids eat popsicles. No kidding here. The cofounders of this process were intrigued by something called “cold-induced fat necrosis” that was reported to occur after young children ate popsicles that were inadvertently left resting on the cheek for several minutes. Skin samples taken from pediatric patients like these showed inflammation in the fat, but normal overlying skin. Thus, it appeared that fat may be more sensitive to cold injury that other tissue types.


Especialista em Liderança Executiva

Diretora Executiva Supra Alimentos, Palestrante, Master Trainer empresarial, formada em Teologia, Direito, MBA  em Gestão de Vendas pela FGV, Especialização em Liderança e Negócios  pela Harvard Business School – EUA, Liderança e Coaching pelo College Business da Universidade de Ohio – EUA, MBA em Desenvolvimento Humano, Especialista em inteligência emocional, Hipnoterapeuta e Master em Programação Neurolinguística.


Kennya Fernandes, atua ativamente, há 3 décadas de experiência na área da  Educação, na formação e orientação de milhares de alunos, pais e professores, na escola pública do DF.

Idealizadora do Instituto INVESTSER.

Ministrou aulas , analisou e supervisionou dezenas de futuros psicanalistas em cursos de Psicanálise Clínica.

Hoje atua como Psicanalista Clínica , Orientadora Educacional.  Mentora Executiva para terapeutas, Orientadores Educacionais e Pais de adolescentes.

Hipnoterapeuta, palestrante, Reprogramadora Mental.

Realizou diversas palestras na escolas públicas e particulares do DF e entorno.

Master em Hipnose e

Master em  PNL  ambos pelo instituto Inner.



Especialista em Neurociência Comportamental e Cognitiva com ênfase em PNL

Especialista em Psicanálise e Saúde Mental

Palestrante Educacional



Mentor e Educador Executivo. Master em PNL. Piloto militar e da aviação civil. Mestre em Educação; especialista em Mindset Ágil e Growth Hacking; Especialista em Gestão de segurança operacional e em Psicologia Positiva e Desenvolvimento do potencial Humano. Professional Scrum Master, Líder Ágil e gerente de projetos. Professor nos cursos de Administração, Gestão de Pessoas e Aviação Civil. Facilitador em treinamentos com foco em Alta performance, liderança, mentalidade ágil, comunicação e gestão do tempo


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